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Are Implants Painful

At Prajwal dental we provide dental implant treatment that is virtually pain-free.

Sedation Dentistry is a technique that uses medication to produce a calming and relaxed effect over your central nervous system. Because you will be completely at ease, we can perform Dental Implant treatment quickly, easily and with minimal discomfort.

Statistics show that while you may be conscious for the dental procedure, there is virtually no pain, discomfort, and more importantly there is no fear while you undertake Sedation Dentistry. When you awake you will feel refreshed and have no memory of the procedure or experiencing any pain.

Sedation Dentistry is a safe technique that has helped thousands of people around the world receive the dental care they require.

For more information on Teeth Whitening , please contact Prajwal Dental Clinic and implant center today on + 91 98496 68442
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